  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All


StitchAuth represents and controls the login state of a StitchAppClient.

Login is required for most Stitch functionality. Check which Authentication Provider you are using and use loginWithCredential to log in.

For OAuth2 login (e.g. Google, Facebook), you must obtain a server auth code yourself and pass it to the relevant StitchCredential. One approach is to use a third party module, e.g. install google-auth-library and use it to get the auth code to pass to GoogleCredential.

Once logged in, StitchAuth.user is a StitchUser object that can be examined for user profile and other information.

To log out, use logout.


// Previously:
// const stitchAppClient = Stitch.initializeDefaultAppClient('your-stitch-app-id')

// Log in with anonymous credential
  .loginWithCredential(new AnonymousCredential())
  .then((user) => {
    console.log(`Logged in as anonymous user with id: ${user.id}`)

See Also


  • StitchAuth




isLoggedIn: boolean

Whether or not there is a currently logged in active user of this StitchAuth.

Optional user

A StitchUser object representing the currently logged in, active user, or undefined if there is no logged in active user.



  • Registers a StitchAuthListener with the client.


    // In this example, a custom StitchAuthListener is defined and registered:
    const stitchClient = Stitch.defaultAppClient
    // Define the listener
    const myAuthListener = {
      onUserAdded: (auth, addedUser) => {
        console.log('onUserAdded:', addedUser.profile)
      onUserLoggedIn: (auth, loggedInUser) => {
        console.log('onUserLoggedIn:', loggedInUser.profile)
      onActiveUserChanged: (auth, currentActiveUser, previousActiveUser) => {
        console.log('onActiveUserChanged:', currentActiveUser, previousActiveUser)
      onUserLoggedOut: (auth, loggedOutUser) => {
        console.log('onUserLoggedOut:', loggedOutUser.profile)
      onUserRemoved: (auth, removedUser) => {
        console.log('onUserRemoved:', removedUser.profile)
      onUserLinked: (auth, linkedUser) => {
        console.log('onUserLinked:', linkedUser.profile)
      onListenerRegistered: (auth) => {
    // Register the listener
    const {auth} = stitchClient
    // Console:
    //   onListenerRegistered
    const user = await auth.loginWithCredential(new UserPasswordCredential('user', 'password'))
    // Console:
    //   onUserAdded
    //   onUserLoggedIn
    //   onActiveUserChanged
    await auth.logout()
    // Console:
    //   onUserLoggedOut
    //   onActiveUserChanged
    await auth.removeUserWithId(user.id)
    // Console:
    //   onUserRemoved


    • listener: StitchAuthListener

      The listener to be triggered when an authentication event occurs on this auth object.

    Returns any


  • Returns a list of all users who have logged into this application, except those that have been removed manually and anonymous users who have logged out.


    The list of users is a snapshot of the state when listUsers() is called. The [[StitchUsers]] in this list will not be updated if, e.g., a user's login state changes after this is called.


    const stitchAppClient = Stitch.defaultAppClient
    const {auth} = stitchAppClient
    // Log in as two different users.
    await auth.loginWithCredential(new UserPasswordCredential('user1', 'password'))
    await auth.loginWithCredential(new UserPasswordCredential('user2', 'password'))
    // List users.

    See Also

    Returns StitchUser[]


  • loginWithCredential(credential: StitchCredential): Promise<StitchUser>
  • Logs in as a StitchUser using the provided StitchCredential.


    // Previously:
    // const stitchAppClient = Stitch.initializeDefaultAppClient('your-stitch-app-id')
    // Log in with anonymous credential
      .loginWithCredential(new AnonymousCredential())
      .then((user) => {
        console.log(`Logged in as anonymous user with id: ${user.id}`)
    // Log in with user/password credential
      .loginWithCredential(new UserPasswordCredential('user', 'password'))
      .then((user) => {
        console.log(`Logged in as user with id: ${user.id}`)


    Returns Promise<StitchUser>


  • logout(): Promise<void>
  • Logs out the currently authenticated active user and clears any persisted authentication information for that user.

    There will be no active user after this logout takes place, even if there are other logged in users. Another user must be explicitly switched to using switchToUserWithId or loginWithCredential.


    const stitchAppClient = Stitch.defaultAppClient
    const {auth} = stitchAppClient
    const user1 = await auth.loginWithCredential(new UserPasswordCredential('user1', 'password'))
    const user2 = await auth.loginWithCredential(new UserPasswordCredential('user2', 'password'))
    // Active user is now user2
    expect('Active user to be user2', auth.user.id === user2.id)
    await auth.logout()
    // The active user is now undefined. Stitch does not assume it should
    // switch to another active account upon logout
    expect('Active user to be undefined', auth.user === undefined)
    // Explicitly switch to a desired active user
    expect('Active user to be user1', auth.user.id === user1.id)

    See Also

    Returns Promise<void>


  • logoutUserWithId(userId: string): Promise<void>
  • Logs out the user with the provided id.

    The promise rejects with an exception if the user was not found.


    Because anonymous users are deleted after logout, this method is equivalent to removeUserWithId for anonymous users.


    const stitchAppClient = Stitch.defaultAppClient
    const {auth} = stitchAppClient
    // Log in with user/password credential. The Email/Password Provider
    // was enabled in the Stitch UI Users Panel.
    let user = await auth.loginWithCredential(new UserPasswordCredential('user', 'password'))
    expect('User is logged in', user.isLoggedIn)
    // Log out the user who just logged in.
    await auth.logoutUserWithId(user.id)
    // Update the user with the latest state
    user = auth.listUsers().find(entry => entry.id === user.id)
    expect('User is logged out', !user.isLoggedIn)


    • userId: string

      the id of the user to log out

    Returns Promise<void>



  • removeUser(): Promise<void>
  • Logs out the active user and removes that user from the list of all users associated with this application as returned by StitchAuth.listUsers.


    const stitchAppClient = Stitch.defaultAppClient
    const {auth} = stitchAppClient
    // Log in
    const user = await auth.loginWithCredential(new UserPasswordCredential('user', 'password'))
    expect('Users list now contains user',
      undefined !== auth.listUsers().find(entry => entry.id === user.id))
    // Now remove active user
    await auth.removeUser()
    expect('User has been removed from list',
      undefined === auth.listUsers().find(entry => entry.id === user.id))

    Returns Promise<void>


  • removeUserWithId(userId: string): Promise<void>
  • Removes the user with the provided id from the list of all users associated with this application as returned by StitchAuth.listUsers.

    If the user was logged in, the user will be logged out before being removed.

    The promise rejects with an exception if the user was not found.


    const stitchAppClient = Stitch.defaultAppClient
    const {auth} = stitchAppClient
    // Log in with two users
    const user1 = await auth.loginWithCredential(new UserPasswordCredential('user1', 'password'))
    const user2 = await auth.loginWithCredential(new UserPasswordCredential('user2', 'password'))
    // List all logged in users
    // Now remove user1
    await auth.removeUserWithId(user1.id)
    // User has been removed from the list


    • userId: string

      the id of the user to remove

    Returns Promise<void>


  • Switches the active user to the user with the specified id. The user must exist in the list of all users who have logged into this application, and the user must be currently logged in, otherwise this will throw a StitchClientError.


    const stitchAppClient = Stitch.defaultAppClient
    const {auth} = stitchAppClient
    // Log in as user1
    await auth.loginWithCredential(new UserPasswordCredential('user1', 'password'))
    // Active user is now user1
    const user1 = auth.user
    // Log in as user2
    await auth.loginWithCredential(new UserPasswordCredential('user2', 'password'))
    // Active user is now user2
    const user2 = auth.user
    // See that auth.user has changed upon loginWithCredential()
    expect('user1 is not user2', user1.id !== user2.id)
    let activeUser = auth.user
    // Verify that active user is user2
    expect('active user is user2', activeUser.id === user2.id)
    // Switch active user to to user1
    activeUser = auth.switchToUserWithId(user1.id)
    // Verify that active user is now user1
    expect('active user is user1', activeUser.id === user1.id)


    • userId: string

      the id of the user to switch to


    • an exception if the user is not found, or the found user is not logged in

    Returns StitchUser


  • Module
  • Object literal
  • Variable
  • Function
  • Function with type parameter
  • Index signature
  • Type alias
  • Enumeration
  • Enumeration member
  • Property
  • Method
  • Interface
  • Interface with type parameter
  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Index signature
  • Class
  • Class with type parameter
  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Accessor
  • Index signature
  • Inherited constructor
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Inherited accessor
  • Protected property
  • Protected method
  • Protected accessor
  • Private property
  • Private method
  • Private accessor
  • Static property
  • Static method

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