Retrieves the default StitchAppClient associated with the application.
This will clear out all initialized app clients. This method is mainly for debugging, simulating an application restart, as it will clear all clients stored in memory
Retrieves the StitchAppClient associated with the specified client app id.
The client app id of the desired app client.
Returns whether or not a StitchAppClient has been initialized for the specified clientAppId.
The client app id to check for.
Initializes a new, non-default StitchAppClient associated with the application.
The desired clientAppId for the client.
Additional StitchAppClientConfiguration options (optional).
A Promise resolving to an initialized StitchAppClient.
Initializes the default StitchAppClient associated with the application.
The desired clientAppId for the client.
Additional configuration options (optional).
A Promise resolving to an initialized StitchAppClient.
Generated using TypeDoc
Singleton class with static utility functions for initializing a StitchAppClient.
Typically, the Stitch.initializeDefaultAppClient method is all you need to instantiate the client (note that, unlike in the browser and server JS SDKs, this method returns a Promise in the React Native SDK):
Stitch.initializeDefaultAppClient('your-stitch-app-id') .then((client) => { // use client })
For custom configurations, see Stitch.initializeAppClient and StitchAppClientConfiguration.
See Also