Interface StitchAuth

    • Method Detail

      • getProviderClient

        <ClientT> ClientT getProviderClient​(AuthProviderClientFactory<ClientT> factory)
        Gets a client for the given authentication provider. Most authentication providers will allow creation of a client without a name of the provider.
        Type Parameters:
        ClientT - The type of client to be returned by the factory.
        factory - The factory that will create a client for the authentication provider.
        A client to interact with the authentication provider.
      • getProviderClient

        <T> T getProviderClient​(NamedAuthProviderClientFactory<T> factory,
                                String providerName)
        Gets a client for the given named authentication provider.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of client to be returned by the factory.
        factory - the factory that will create a client for the authentication provider.
        providerName - the name of the authentication provider.
        a client to interact with the authentication provider.
      • loginWithCredential

        Task<StitchUser> loginWithCredential​(StitchCredential credential)
        Logs in as a user with the given credentials associated with an authentication provider.

        The user who logs in becomes the active user. Other Stitch functionality acts on behalf of the active user. If there was already an active user, that user becomes inactive but still logged in.

        public void loginAnonymously() {
            StitchAppClient client = Stitch.getDefaultAppClient();
            StitchAuth auth = client.getAuth();
            // The Stitch app is configured for Anonymous login in the Stitch UI
            auth.loginWithCredential(new AnonymousCredential()).addOnCompleteListener(new OnCompleteListener<StitchUser>() {
                public void onComplete(@NonNull Task<StitchUser> task) {
                   if (task.isSuccessful()) {
                       Log.i(TAG, "Anonymous login successful!");
                   } else {
                       Log.e(TAG, "Anonymous login failed!", task.getException());
        credential - the credentials of the user to log in.
        a Task containing user associated with the credentials if log in is successful.
        See Also:
        logout(), logoutUserWithId(java.lang.String), switchToUserWithId(java.lang.String), removeUserWithId(java.lang.String)
      • logout

        Task<Void> logout()
        Logs out the active user.

        To log out an inactive user, use logoutUserWithId(java.lang.String).

        Except for anonymous users, logged out users remain on the device and will be listed in the result of listUsers(). To log in again, loginWithCredential(com.mongodb.stitch.core.auth.StitchCredential) must be used. To log out and remove the active user, use removeUser().

        Anonymous users are deleted immediately after logging out.

        StitchAppClient client = Stitch.getDefaultAppClient();
        StitchAuth auth = client.getAuth();
        auth.logout().addOnCompleteListener(new OnCompleteListener<Void>() {
            public void onComplete(@NonNull Task<Void> task) {
                if (task.isSuccessful()) {
                    Log.i(TAG, "Successfully logged out!");
                } else {
                    Log.e(TAG, "Logout failed!", task.getException());
        a Task completing when logged out.
      • removeUser

        Task<Void> removeUser()
        Logs out and removes the active user.

        To remove an inactive user, see removeUserWithId(java.lang.String).

        Removing a user means removing it from this device, i.e. removing it from the list of users returned by listUsers().

        a Task completing when logged out.
      • removeUserWithId

        Task<Void> removeUserWithId​(String userId)
        Logs out and removes the user with the provided id. Throws an exception if the user was not found.
        userId - the id of the user to remove.
        a Task completing when logged out.
      • getUser

        StitchUser getUser()
        Returns the active user or null if no user is active.

        Whenever a user logs in, they become the active user. If there was already another user who was active, that user becomes inactive but still logged in. User-based Stitch functionality, such as reading from a database, is performed as the active user.

        the currently logged in, active user or null if no user is active.
      • addAuthListener

        void addAuthListener​(StitchAuthListener listener)
        Adds a listener for any important auth event.
        listener - the listener to add.
        See Also:
      • removeAuthListener

        void removeAuthListener​(StitchAuthListener listener)
        Removes a listener.
        listener - the listener to remove.
      • listUsers

        List<StitchUser> listUsers()
        Returns a list of all logged in users.
        the list of currently logged in users
      • switchToUserWithId

        StitchUser switchToUserWithId​(String userId)
                               throws IllegalArgumentException
        Switches the active user to the user with the provided id. Throws an exception if the user was not found.
        userId - the id of the user to switch to
        the user that was switched to
        IllegalArgumentException - throws if user id not found
      • refreshCustomData

        Task<Void> refreshCustomData()
        You can store arbitrary data about your application users in a MongoDB collection and configure Stitch to automatically expose each user’s data in a field of their user object. For example, you might store a user’s preferred language, date of birth, or their local timezone. If this functionality has not been configured, this is a no-op.